So, I don't want to get all Dooce on my three readers, but there's a big announcement in the works here at RBR. Huge. Giant. Life-altering.
But not yet.
So. There's that.
And really, I could write up a post right now updating y'all about the fecking heel that won't heal and blah blah blah but instead instead I'll brag about my awesome day yesterday: Elk Lake, mountain views, shining sun, cute baby and 14 week old puppy. I stuffed my face all day with roasted turkey sammiches and fresh cherries and blueberries (plus maybe a few potato chips) and also way too much beer and, to top it off, a couple of super-strong Abbie-ritas at the lodge. Oy. Oh, and I also did some stand up paddleboarding AND didn't fall into the frigid lake. I'd call that a successful holiday.
The puppy's name is George. He was very sleepy after playing all day.